The Vallauris Posters by Pablo Picasso
Our online curated show The Vallauris Posters focusing on the Vallauris posters by Pablo Picasso is hosted by the IFPDA Foundation. We are delighted to be offering an exceptional opportunity to acquire a complete collection of the Vallauris posters as well as individual impressions.
Toros en Vallauris 1955
Why the Vallauris posters? Because they brought much joy and pleasure to Picasso, which we all currently need, and so we hope that these posters will bring a smile to you and you will enjoy reading Anne-Françoise’s short essay accompanying our exhibition. Please click here and read how Picasso succeeded in depicting a personal attachment, an element of his daily life, simplified to such a degree that he created a universal message for the posters that everyone could understand, and in the meantime achieved to convey the joyful and vibrant atmosphere of Vallauris and the South of France, his new discovery, his new Arcadia.